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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect from the admission process?

When you enter the admission area, you will be greeted by a hospital staff member. An admissions nurse will meet with you and explain the admission process. Please be prepared to spend 30 to 60 minutes completing initial paperwork. At this time, staff will discuss which items are allowed on the unit. Patients will be seen by their psychiatrist within 24 hours of admission. Please be prepared to bring:

  • Form of ID
  • Insurance card
  • Emergency contact information
  • List of current prescription medications
  • Medical Power of Attorney or guardianship paperwork

What are visiting hours? What are my phone privileges?

Adults: Everyday, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Adolescent Males: Monday–Friday, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Saturday–Sunday, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Adolescent Females: Monday–Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Saturday–Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

  • Visitors: All visitors must show picture ID, check in at the reception desk, sign a confidentiality agreement and wear a visitor tag at all times. Only two visitors are allowed per patient at a time, and children under 12 years of age are not permitted on the unit (formal family session excluded). If a visitor engages in disruptive behavior or wears inappropriate attire, he or she may be asked to leave. Canyon Ridge Hospital requests that discharged patients refrain from visiting in-house patients for four weeks. All visitors will be scanned using a wand metal detector for patient safety. All personal visitor belongings, including purses, are to be locked in the visitor’s car or left with visitors in the lobby.
  • Phone privileges: No cell phones are allowed on units. Pay phones are located on each unit. Staff is available to help patients make and receive calls.

What kind of therapy will I receive at Canyon Ridge Hospital?

Therapeutic Community

Canyon Ridge Hospital’s inpatient care operates on a therapeutic community model. This model emphasizes the need for each individual to take responsibility for their own behavior and to accept the positive and negative consequences of their choices.

Inpatient Therapeutic Treatments

Individual Therapy

The psychiatrist will supervise each patient’s care and see the patient in individual sessions 7 days per week. Individual sessions with a therapist may be arranged, in addition to the group therapy treatment, if the patient and treatment team determine that there would be an added therapeutic benefit. The patient’s case manager will assist with selecting a suitable outpatient therapist or program upon discharge. Many patients will receive a recommendation to the "Next Step" in our outpatient Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for continued follow up care, further therapy and stabilization.

Case Management

A case manager will be assigned to each patient to manage their case throughout the patient’s hospitalization. The case manager will work closely with the patient and the treatment team to coordinate care with doctors, therapist and the patient’s families. The treatment teams consist of a psychiatrist, case managers, therapists and nurses. The treatment team is an integral part in facilitating patients’ care, discussing the best treatment options for the patient and creating objectives for the patient’s treatment plan. Case managers will assist in all follow up needs and discharge planning.

Group Therapy

All patients will attend daily group therapy in coordination with each individual treatment plan. Patients will be assigned to a therapy group based on clinical need and the treatment team’s recommendations. Types of group include process groups, goals groups, activity groups and training and education groups. A skilled group therapist will utilize a variety of treatment methods that are designed to address key issues while stabilizing symptoms in a time-effective manner. This would include techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, solution focused therapy and short-term psychodynamic therapy. Groups will address issues of depression, anger management, loss interpersonal relationships and addiction. Patients will also be learning coping skills, assertion skills, personal self awareness and psychoeducation to assist their specific areas of need.

Family Therapy

A structured family meeting will be arranged if the patient and treatment team determine that a family meeting would have therapeutic benefit.

Therapeutic Recreation Group

Recreation therapy utilizes various activities as a form of active treatment to promote the improvement of a patient’s health and well-being, thus enhancing a patient’s quality of life and productivity. Therapeutic Recreation interventions include self expression, stress management, problem solving, resource education, social skills, journaling and leisure/recreation skills.

Psychoeducation Group

Provides patients with valuable information and education regarding diagnosis, medication stabilization, wellness and behavior management techniques.

Will my insurance cover my hospitalization?

Canyon Ridge Hospital is contracted for services with most major insurance companies: Kaiser, Medicare and Medi-Cal (ages 13-20 and 65+). For more information, call 909-590-3700.

Don’t Hesitate, Call Today

Our assessment and referral team is staffed with licensed professionals 24/7 to help you get the help you need, when you need it. To schedule a no-cost, confidential assessment call 909-590-3700 today.